I may have mentioned at some point that I have a relatively short attention span.  If I didn't, I meant to.  I think I also might suffer from selective short term memory loss.  Actually, it has more to do with the 5,000 thoughts running through my head at any given moment.  I frequently have these wonderful story ideas while I'm riding, but by the time I get home, they're gone.  I'm working on Captured the next Indulgence story.  I'm also working on two longer stories, I'd like for them to be full length novels but I never really know how long they'll be.  V mentioned that she would have liked An Absolutely Incredible Valentine to be longer and I guess I never really thought about it.  I always know where my stories will start and how they end but the journey to get there is never predetermined.  So, sorry V, I probably could have made it longer if I'd been looking past my ending.  Anyway, the two longer stories will obviously take longer to finish.  But I like them both so we'll see.  Captured is about half way done.  I like it too.  And in case you're wondering, no, I don't like every story I write.  The ones I don't like end up filed away or in the trash.  The other project I have going, I'm just not that committed to.  It's a new story for Amazon.  I just don't know that I'll follow through with publishing it there.   Amazon will only allow an author to truly do some type of marketing if a title is listed exclusively with them for 90 days.  I've been considering publishing a new story there just to try and jump start something with my other stories.  Right now, they just sit there.   That's not entirely true, but I've done much better at Smashwords than Amazon.  The biggest problem seems to be getting people to give them a shot but I can't list a book for free on Amazon, they have a minimum list price of .99, so....what to do?   Anyway, it's what I've been thinking about.   So, if you get the urge, leave a review, hit the like button, tell a friend, something.  My offer still stands for those of you want to provide me with feedback.  I'll still give you one of the books for free.  V is probably my biggest fan and anxiously waits for each story to come out.  She is certainly the most verbal fan I have.  I'm pretty sure I owe her more than a few free books by now.  So, thanks V, sometimes when I feel like giving up, I think about the fact that you really do like them and I pull out my laptop and start working.  I do get a few emails from others and so far the feedback has been good.  I've only had two people complain but that was more about the graphic nature of the stories and I really feel that I was up front about that part.  I personally like my stories so I won't defend them.  I realize that they're not for everyone but based on the number of stories I've sold and given away at Smashwords alone, I'd say a lot of people like them.  So, what's next?  That is where I started right?  I will probably finish Captured next unless I get hung up somewhere before I reach the end.  Best guess right now, 1 1/2 or 2 weeks unless I get on a roll.  Hey, stranger things have happened.  I'll still be working on the others too.  It's that short attention span thing.  In the mean time, thanks for reading! 

2/3/2012 02:28:20 pm

Yes, I anxiously await for your next books. I have truely enjoyed them.

As for people complaining about the graphic nature...hmmm. I don't get since you clearly state what kind of story it is. If they can't figure it out from your tag words, I really don't know how much more clearly you can state it.

I'm with you, I like what you write!! So keep writing how you do and what you like because there are plenty of us out there who will read it, love it and anxiously await for the next one!!


Casey Wilder - Blog
2/3/2012 08:29:59 pm

Thanks. I think the problem comes from when they show up in the romance category. Maybe they're expecting more romance and less sex? I think the romance category is just as appropriate as erotica, maybe more so since each one is in fact a romantic story. They're definitely not what I consider to be straight erotica. Regardless, between the tags and the very obvious warning in the descriptions, it shouldn't take more than a few seconds to realize that the content is graphic in nature. Since they didn't trash me in reviews, I can live with a few negative comments. How much would you like to bet that even though they were graphic, they finished them anyway?

Thanks for all your encouragement. Believe it or not, it keeps me working.



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