It's there.  I hope you enjoy it.  I make no promises since I still feel like three day old dog poo but what the hell.  Let me know what you think.  It won't be available on Amazon until I set a price and I'm just not going to do that for a while.  Sorry but that's Amazon's rule, not mine.  They simply won't allow an independent author to list for free unless you give them exclusive right to sell the content.  I don't like it but there it is.  Since they won't allow me to really market anything there anyway, my books mostly sit there so why should I care?  See, still grumpy.  Gotta run.

And V, thanks.  For everything!

1/29/2012 01:14:41 pm

Just downloaded and looking forward to the read!!

Casey Wilder - Blog
1/29/2012 10:07:00 pm

I hope you enjoy it. I was a little unsure of putting it up there while I felt so bad because I was worried I'd missed something. I haven't had anyone complain but if you get a minute, let me know if it was ok. By the way, the next one (whenever I finish it) is on me regardless. Seriously, thanks for everything.


2/1/2012 06:28:33 am

I finally had time to read this one last night. I very much enjoyed it!! It was not too long, in fact, IMO, I would have really liked it to be longer. But that's just me, I really liked the characters and the way you developed them.

Great job!! Looking forward to the next novella!! I will be doing the happy dance when you let us know when you have published it.


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