Ok, some of you noticed the changes on the website.  At some point, I'm going to have to try to consolidate some of the links.   I think everything is still basically where it was.  There is however one additional  link to Barnes and Noble in the drop down menu under Casey's ebooks.  I did this because even I have trouble finding Surrender on Barnes and Noble and it's my book.  Apparently, the only category it shows up in is books under $10.  It doesn't show up in romance or erotica.  Personally, I don't think of it as erotica.  More like romance with sex.  Yeah, there might be more than two people in the scenes but it's what I think of as Contemporary Romance.  Again, maybe it's just me but it would be nice if book stores could actually get it in a category.  Wait... maybe they did, fiction.. sure that covers it.   Well, at least they got that part right. 

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