I think I'll probably add Unbound to Amazon by this weekend.  The down side for those reading it at Smashwords is that it can't be free once I list it at Amazon.  Amazon does not allow that option and the language in their agreement requires that you not list it below the listing price at any other retailer.  Only Amazon can discount a book and offer it for free.  No, I don't like that but for now, those are their rules and yes, while I may be stubborn, obnoxious, and sarcastic, I'm still a rule follower (most of the time).  The thing is, I agreed to their terms when I started selling there and I'm the type of person that once I accept the rules, I don't go back and change my mind.    Few things frustrate me more than to be around people who don't believe that the rules really apply to them.  I'm related to some of those people.  I don't want to be one of them.


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