Firday Nights is the first story to be available at iTunes.  It's my understanding that they manually check erotica titles to make sure they meet their standards - subject matter must be legal and must involve  consenting adults.  I know that Surrender and Unbound are both there but so far have not been made available for purchase.  

Tamed is nearly finished.  I know, I've said that at least once before but it really is.  It just takes so damned long to edit.  Have I mentioned that I'm have tendencies toward OCD?  I obsess sometimes about errors I might have missed and I know it doesn't change anything.  Truly, after you've read your own work a hundred times, you know the story and you tend to see what you meant for it to say and not what it actually says.  In my real job, I write a great deal of correspondence and have to be extremely patient when proofing or I'll do the same thing there. 

So yes, Tamed will be done this weekend.  One way or another.  I cannot tell you for certain when it will be published.  Not today I don't think but maybe tomorrow or at worst, Monday.  I'll let you know.


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