I will readily admit that when it comes to managing the website I'm technologically disabled.  I'm learning though.  Thanks again V.  You're a jewel.  I spent my rainy day morning waiting to have my car looked at.  Some weird noise and no, they didn't figure out what it was either.  I know about as much about cars as I do websites.  Ok, maybe less.  But, I did manage to get to the three quarters mark on editing Tamed.  Nearly there.  Any more rain though and I'm gonna be ready to slit my wrists with a dull spoon.  I've lost count of how many days in a row it's been gray and wet.  I'm a sunshine kind of person who is much more pleasant when it's a hundred degrees.  I don't like cold, wet, or gray so winter is not good for me.  It tends to darken my mood.  If I could just get on my bike for an hour, I'd be better.  I tend to manage my writing projects better when I'm in a decent mood.  So, even if it's freezing tomorrow and I'm sure it's going to be close, I'm riding my bike.  Unless of course it rains again.  If it does, I'm getting out the spoon.
Did I get it right?  I was advised that I might need to add an email subscription to my blog.  Thanks for the advice by the way!  Since I spend very little time on the internet and first had to figure out exactly what an email subscription is.... yeah, I'm a little slow sometimes but I've learned to live with it.  So... between answering elementary math questions and trying to read about email subscriptions, I think I might have been able to add one at the top of this page.  I added something but don't know if I got it right.  You know, it's like that damned Facebook Like button.  I thought I had it but it resets constantly so if I can't figure it out, I'll be removing it soon.  So, if I got this one right, would someone be so kind as to let me know?

Everything is still there but I moved things around a little.  Under Casey's ebooks, I've added a drop down menu that links to some of the better known retailers.  By the way, as of last night, some of those still had Unbound for free.  I made a few other changes but those are self-explanatory.  Tamed is nearly finished and I have to say, I really like the main character (Jason) in this one.  Hopefully, you will too.
So why do I write the stories that I do?  Primarily because I like them.  I enjoy a fun, romantic, sexy story.  But, I prefer to read them without stopping to try and sort out what the author has said.  I also don't want to read stories that sound like they were written by a fifteen year old.  And, the whole story can't be sex.  I mean really, how many times can a couple have sex in a full length novel?  Now if there's a good plot with that novel and the sex happens along the way, great.  But if the book is about their sex lives and nothing else, I'll quit reading.  Even some of my favorite authors have fallen short on the plotting in their latest novels.  And no, I won't mention names.  The point is, I find it hard to find the kind of stories I like to read.  I've shortened the hell out of my stories and I'm not kidding about that part.  I probably cut out two thirds of my original story.  It's one reason it takes so long for me to finish a novella.  When the basis of the story is about a sexual adventure, I have to cut it short.  I'm not going to beat those sex scenes to death.  So, I've published the novellas and one "novelette".  The third novella is currently being edited and should be done soon.  There are two more but I don't know if I'll finish those or not.  I guess it depends on whether or not people seem to like the first three.  I also have a couple of short stories I'd like to put out there and I'm working on a longer novel.  Will I publish it as a novel?  I don't know.  It depends on how much I cut out.  Whatever's left is what I'll publish.  So really, I write what I like to read.  I want them to be fun and I want you to like them too.  If I'm not writing what you like, what's the point?  Yes, I'd love to sell a lot of books, quit my real job and do nothing but write for a living but I'm certainly not holding my breath.  So, if I'm writing something that people don't enjoy, there really is no point since I've already read my stories.    

Well, interesting to me of course.  I seem to get a lot more activity and response from Smashwords users than I do from Kindle owners who are relying solely on Amazon.  So thank you to those of you who've downloaded through Smashwords.  I mean that.  And just so you know, Tamed is nearly finished.  I'm working hard between that and helping kids with homework.  The kids win the battle so I'll finish editing Tamed within the next few days I hope!

I never realized there were so many distinctions.  Apparently, the rules are not set in stone but did you know that a Short Story is 7,500 words or less?
I always thought a short story was just that.  A story that was short.  Apparently Friday nights is a novelette - a story that has between 7,500 and
17,499 words.  I guess that would make Surrender at approximately 16,950 words a novelette, although I've classified it as a novella.  Unbound fits well within the range for a novella - anything between 17,500 and 40,000 words. Three guesses about the word count for a novel.  Yep, anything beyond 40,000.   I learn something new nearly every day.

I know a lot of you already have this one and the feedback I've gotten back so far is great.  I'm glad you're enjoying it.   I also noticed that Amazon has a lower price on Surrender so I'm guessing they're picking up a lower price on one of the other sites.  I don't expect it will last long.  I'd still like to hear from you if you've read any of my stories or even if you haven't.  I love a good read so if you've come across something else you'd like to recommend, let me know.  

Oops. I forgot to mention, Friday Nights is showing up on Amazon at $2.99 when it's supposed to be $.99.  I've gone in and changed the price on their site to where it's supposed to be but it may take a few hours before they get it back to $.99.  Sorry, but it's beyond my control.  I wish they would update changes quicker but I don't see that happening.

I uploaded Unbound to Amazon this afternoon.  It usually takes them 12 to 24 hours to make it active on their site.  Hopefully, it'll be there this weekend.  I'm trying to split my time between editing Tamed and changing the website and I'll do my best to let you know when it's actually available.  You should also be able to find it at other ebook retailers in a variety of formats soon.  It gets distributed by Smashwords in their catalog so I have no way of knowing exactly when it becomes available on each site.   I know it's on Diesel ebooks now and the last time I checked, it was still free on their site.  That will change when they update but I have no way of knowing when that will be.
As many of you know, Unbound has been available for free at Smashwords for the last few weeks.  Sorry, but today is the last day.  I won't change the price before noon and after that, it will depend on how much time I have.  My days are pretty full.  Now there may be a few places you can get it for free until they get their prices changed.  (It's not as if I can just go to each site and make the change myself.)  I'm also going to list it on Amazon where it should be available sometime over the weekend.  Hopefully.  So, if you haven't read it and would really like to, hurry and check it out.  What I will do, if you want to read it on Smashwords after the price has changed, send me an email and I'll send you a coupon code where you can get it at half price.  I'd make the offer for other retailers but they don't have that option.

Ok, some of you noticed the changes on the website.  At some point, I'm going to have to try to consolidate some of the links.   I think everything is still basically where it was.  There is however one additional  link to Barnes and Noble in the drop down menu under Casey's ebooks.  I did this because even I have trouble finding Surrender on Barnes and Noble and it's my book.  Apparently, the only category it shows up in is books under $10.  It doesn't show up in romance or erotica.  Personally, I don't think of it as erotica.  More like romance with sex.  Yeah, there might be more than two people in the scenes but it's what I think of as Contemporary Romance.  Again, maybe it's just me but it would be nice if book stores could actually get it in a category.  Wait... maybe they did, fiction.. sure that covers it.   Well, at least they got that part right.